Tiago Sandroni OVERLAP

In this episode of our podcast, Elaine Grotti interviews Tiago Sandroni, Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence specialist at Overlap.

Jéssica Palacio IFOOD

In this podcast, we discuss the crucial importance of developing sales teams, highlighting the challenges they face, especially in iFood’s team development programmes across Brazil.

Overlap to manage Claro University and consolidates strategic alliance with Latin American multinational

We have become the main training partner of Claro’s Corporate University with the aim of generating a measurable impact on the productivity and performance of all of its sales and relationship channels.

Lorenna Carvalho ELECTROLUX

Discover how the company defined clear Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) and Social Responsibility goals.

Paula Giannetti UNIPAR

In this podcast Paula Giannetti, HR Director at Unipar, shares valuable insights on how it is possible to innovate in the industrial sector.